Our Vision

Through Our Lens

Vision is the critical sense and energy that drives the entrepreneur and their immediate team. Vision is what makes them boldly dare to explore, dare to adventure, dare to challenge, dare to insist, dare to take calculated risks, dare to keep pushing, dare to have the grit to succeed. Vision is the energy that provides an entrepreneur and its enterprise the ability to perform and win. And vision is what forms and establishes the culture, which is the vital component that gets delicately shared between people creating and establishing norms, expectations and duties that defines organization acts. Vision is the framework wherein culture resides.


At Fòssięl we hope to create superior value through the mining, refining, and distribution of our mineralized resources. The sustainable management of our operations is integral to our ability to obtain and maintain our social license to operate and generate long-term value. Sustainability is at the core of our offering and operations. We operate efficiently and in a responsible manner, and take into consideration the environment, safety, and the well-being of people and the planet. We create value for our customers with sustainable offerings and contribute to a circular and carbon-neutral economy. We believe that our Company and the global economy will be stronger in a low-carbon future. As the climate crisis accelerates, so must bold action to combat it. As a result, as part of our journey, we set a goal to maintain net zero carbon emissions.

Client Commitment

We provide the greatest value to our customers through personalized service, dedication and commitment to quality. We think creatively to offer new ideas and produce unique content for your intended application. We strive to create solutions to challenges with a ‘we got you’ attitude. We are here to make life long relationships with our clientele. Our materials have special emotion value and the connection with our customers needs a personal approach. We are here to make collectors of our material and life long relationships. 

Power of innovation

We encourage innovation to be a leader in our niche industry. We challenge ourselves to constantly develop and improve our product and service lines. We maintain an eye on the prize awareness of new materials, their applications, and industry trends. We innovate by creating an entrepreneurial culture from within, externally, locally, and globally. Our entrepreneurial spirit drives growth by supporting people in taking initiatives with strong risk management to enable fast, clear, and informed decision-making. We are constantly seeking to innovate on a sustainable basis.

Outstanding as one

As a team, we combine individual strengths to deliver outstanding results. We are committed to achieving our goals and realizing our vision. We work together effectively and efficiently through streamlined communication. As a team, “One” isn’t just defined as our in-house employees. “One” accounts for the robust network of qualified and vetted entities and individuals that we choose to bring under our umbrella in joint cooperation with to our clientele.  We are supportive, honest, loyal, ready to learn and open-minded with our industry friends and dedicated partners in order to create excellent relations and products.

Operational Excellence

We are committed to professionalism, striving for excellence in all aspects of our operation. We uphold the highest safety standards on every mission. We are always friendly, and respectful and conduct ourselves with the utmost integrity to all. We constantly strive to improve every process of our integration into the manufacturing of our products and administration thereof. We are our own worst critics constantly looking to “poke holes” in our process’ in order to perfect our products and efficiencies. Â